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Charles Dickens ACTIVITY 1: Classify the questions
When did he die? Why is he famous? What was his first book? Where was he born? Where did he live
from the age of 10? What books did he write in 1843? When was he born? What was his father's
Date of birth
Place of birth
Date of death
Reason for celebrity
Place of residence
Familial Problems
His Books
ACTIVITE 2 : Find the beginning of answers corresponding to each question
When was he born ?
He died in (+ year)
Where was he born?
He lived in
When did he die?
He is famous because…
Where did he live from the age of 10?
He was born on the (+date)
Why is he famous?
His first book was…
What was his father's problem?
He wrote…
What was his first book?
He was born in…
What books did he write in 1843?
His father…
ACTIVITE 3 : Read the text and answer the questions with full sentences (find help in
activity 2)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Мам: эндрю энд роуз, итс найн оˈклок. итс тайм ту гоу ту бед. роуз: оу, ноу мам. ай доунт уонт ту гоу ту слип. ай уонт ту плей бол. эндрю: ай доунт уонт ту гоу ту слип. ай уонт ту рид май бук. мам: ноу, ю маст гоу ту бед эт найн оˈклок. роуз, пут ё найс бол инту зэ бокс,. эндрю, пут ё бук он зэ тейбл. эндрю: ай доунт уонт слип. роуз: ай донт уонт ту гоу ту бед. мам: эндрю! роуз! гоу ту бед энд зен. ican тел ю эбaут тайни. эндрю: окей. роуз: зэтс грейт! мам: бат доунт фогет ту клин ё тис энд уош ё хэндз, фейс энд иарс. роуз энд эндрю гоу ту бед эт найн оклок. зеэ мам уонтс ту тел зем эбaут тайни.

Популярно: Английский язык