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56. They...to the cinema when you met me. a).go 6).were going c). went
67.1 my homework the whole evening yesterday.
a). do 6). did c).was doing
58. My mother ... the piano yesterday. She ... a letter to my
a) didn't play , wrote 6). played, write, c). was played, writin
69.If Peterto my place, we... to play in the yard.
a). come, go 6). comes, will go c).will come, will go​

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Was toronto state medical university founded on the second of april 1986? what was founded on the second of april 1986? when toronto state medical university was founded? what is the name of the university which was founded on the second of april 1986? toronto state medical university was founded on the second of april 1986, wasn't it? was toronto state medical university founded on the second of april 1986 or 1990?

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