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го сори


1. i told 2. john and david went 3. i flew 4. they 5. yesterday he 6. ancient greek actors wore masks 7. she 8. - i had it st 8.00 9. brother saw a spider and began to cry  10. i  met 1. he didn't grow up in london 2. i didn't 3. they didn't 4. he didn't 5.she didn't 6. we didn't know.. 7. he didn't 8. i didn't 9. she didn't always 10. they didn't 1. tom read many books in his childhood. he wanted to become a scientist. 2. two months ago they visited paris.  3. when they were in bombay, they ate just kiwi. 4.   last year, i offen went  to work  by bus . 5. when did you be in spain? 6. a teacher finished the lesson 7 minutes ago

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