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B. Complete the sentences with past form of the verbs in A 1. (*) Yesterday i
football in the park.
2. (*) My mother
. a book last year. It's very interesting
3. (-) Peter
this colour when he was younger .
4. you
a letter to your grandma?
5. (-) We
TV last weekend.
6. (+) i
a pet rabbit when I was a child.
7. (?)
her room? It was very dirty yesterday!
8. (+) Sarah
two sandwiches yesterday
9. (-) The children
the window - it was the dog
10.(+) i
for the test last night. I'm not nervous

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Ответы на вопрос:

Every day i clean my teeth every day i wash my hands and face i never eat junk food every week i have wash every week i go for a walk every day in the mornings i do exercises every month i clean my room

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