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1 An extremely popular film is called a
2 A large hole in the top of a volcano is called a
3 If something is so good that it must be seen or done, we call it .
4 We use the wordto describe something extreme or exciting.
5 If something is very beautiful we can call it
6 is a word for something strangeor unknown.

Тект : 1 The volcanoes The islands of New Zealand appeared
23 million years ago as a result of a series of volcanic eruptions.
The eruptions created dramatic mountain peaks and more than
3.800 lakes! The largest lake, Lake Taupo, lies in the crater of
one of the biggest volcanoes on Earth. There are at least 12
active volcanoes, and tourists can go on special volcano tours -
an unforgettable experience. With five months of snow in winter,
skiing and other winter sports are incredibly popular. You can
even ski on a volcano if you want!
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2 The forests More than 30% of New Zealand is forest.
||Some of the forests have remained unchanged for millions of
years. They're old, beautiful and mysterious! They have made
New Zealand a perfect choice for film directors. Did you know
that the forests, lakes and mountains were the settings for
several important Hollywood blockbusters like The Hobbit, The
Lord of the Rings, and The Chronicles of Narnia?
3 The beaches New Zealand has more than 6,000
kilometres of coastline. The picturesque beaches are long and
sandy, and the conditions are perfect for water sports. Kayaking,
diving, surfing and sailing are all popular sports with locals and
visitors. You can't visit New Zealand without visiting at least one
fantastic beaches!
4 The whales and dolphins Half of the world's whale
and dolphin population lives in the seas around New Zealand.
Kaikoura, on the South Island, is one of the best whale-watching
spots in the world. If you've never seen a whale up close, this is
your chance, and it's unmissable.
5 The culture Humans have only lived on the islands for
about 1,000 years. The first people to arrive were islanders
from Eastern Polynesia, called Maori. Today, about 15% of the
population of New Zealand is Maori. Their culture and their
customs developed into the Maori way of life. Maori language,
literature, music, dance, sports and even TV are all important in
New Zealand. If you're in New Zealand, you should visit a marae
-a Maori meeting place - or even learn to speak the meeting place or even learn to speak the language.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Отр: 1. i didn't swim in the sea in summer. 2. i didn't see my old friends in august. вопр: 1. did you go to the beach this summer? 2. you didn't go to school in summer, did you? 3. was he in village? утверд: 1. i went to aquapark. 2. i was in village. 3. danny was at home all summer.

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