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29. ... another blanket or ... warm enough? A) do you need/ do you feel
B) Are you need/ do you feel
C) Do you need/ were you feeling
D) Are you needing/ you are feeling
30. Children thought, no one ... them.
A) could see B) sees C) was seeing D) can see
31. You ... have huge muscles to look good, you know!
A) don't have to B)can't C)mustn't D) shouldn't
32. ... you help me with this task?
A) Are able B) Could C) Must D) May
33. It's raining really hard, luckily we ... go out this
A) mustn't B) can't C) don't have to D) shouldn't
34. In my opinion, this project ... finished at once.
A) ought to be B) must C) may D) should
35. All students ... report at 9:00.
A) are to B) may to C) could to D) need
36. There ... some mistakes. I definitely booked a table for
A) must be B) could be C) might D) may
37. He ... a small car because he did not have enough
money for a bigger one.
A) needn't have bought B) had to buy
C) must buy D) couldn't have bought
38. Now it is very difficult for us to do it. You ... yesterday.
A) ought to have done B) ought to have
C) ought to do D) ought not do
39. You ... have lied to me! Why didn't you tell me the
A) shouldn't B) might not C) couldn't D) mustn't
40. I very strongly advise you ... go out without saying
good bye to everybody.
A) you mustn't B) you must
C) you won't be able D) you need
41. Victoria said that John ... into his flat because he ...
his key.
A) couldn't get/ has lost B) cannot get/ lost
C) couldn't get/ had lost D) couldn't get lost
42. Stephen ... talk to his teacher if he's having problems
with the assignment
A) should B) need C) ought D) has​

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Завтрак утромужин в деньчай приходит после обедато это время, чтобы игратьужин вечеромкогда красныйто есть более и мы ложимся спать

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