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Английский язык. Перевести предложения и слова.
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1) Bob's coming back.
2) Bob coming.
3) Bob.
4) I object to Mary and Jane going out on such a windy day.
5) It was not a good idea of the brother and his sister staying alone in thet house.
6) Did you ever hear of a man of sense rejecting such an offer?
7) all, this, that, both, each, some, something, no, a lot of, a bit of, much.
8) Nancy liker her new job, but a lot of driving makes her tired.
9) to appear, to arrange, to ask for, to announce, to be ( am, is, are ), to believe, had better
10) to avoid, to admit, to appreciate, ( can not avoid ), to accuse of, to anticipate, to agree to/with, in addition to, to apologize for, to approve of, to be angry about/ at, to be against, to be annoyed about/ at, to be anxious about, to be aware of, to be ashamed of, advantage of/in, aim of/in, amusement at, anger about/at, annoyance about/of, anxiety about, apology for, to be ashamed for, awareness of, after, to burst out, to believe in, before, to benefit from.
11) to afford, to agree, to advise, to agree, to allow, can not afford, can afford, to be afraid, to begin, can bear

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. hasn't begun yet; are talking - урок еще не начался, и дети громко разговаривают в коридоре 2. was reading - вчера в 5 часов он читал книгу 3. had done; came; came; were playing - вчера до прихода мамы дети сделали , и,  когда мама пришла, они играли с котом

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