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John's mother (to have) more time for hi if the does the washing up.(открой скобки If Steven had taken his camera , he (to take) nice picture/

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John's mother will have more time for herself if the does the washing up.-The first conditional (real future)

If Steven had taken his camera , he would have taken  nice pictures.-The third conditional (unreal past)


Свои осенние каникулы я провела интересно! на выходных я с папой ходила в лес собирать грибы.во время недели мы с друзьями гуляли по городу. потом я с бабушкой поехала в деревню.у бабушки есть пёс его зовут дозор.у него такая большая будка.парода у дозора   он такой хороший! я люблю с ним раз когда я с ним гуляла он увидел на дороге кошку и побежал за ней.я его не смогла удержать.но к счастью кошка запрыгнула на забор и спрыгнула в сад.на следующий день я поехала ! their autumn holidays i had a very interesting! over the weekend my father and i went to the forest to collect gribbo week my friends and i walked around the city. then i with my grandmother went to derevnya grandmother has a dog his name is dozoru it such a big bucked the st. he is so good. i love a walk with when i was walking he saw on the road the cat and ran for naa could not operatino fortunately, the cat jumped up on the fence and jumped down into the garden, and the next day i went !

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