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B Find the five mistakes and correct them. A dog called Hachi and his owner, Ueno, meet in 1924.
They loved each other. Every day, Ueno @went to work.
Every day, Hachi went to the train station at 4 p.m. Hachi
was always at the same spot waiting for his owner. One day,
Ueno (3) didn't came back from work because he @died
that day. Hachi 6 didn't know that. People sended Hachi to a new owner. But every
day, he went to the station. He think of Ueno all the time. He kept going to the
station for over 10 years. Hachi's story 10 maked him a symbol of loyalty in Japan.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. has to go 2. should go 3. need't hurry 4. should  5.  should 6. needn't go 7. has  8. shouldn't go 9. needn't run 10. shouldn't worry 11. shouldn't run 12.needn't tell 13.needn't go 14. shouldn't put 15. needn't give 16. needn't  17. should call 18. needn't tell 19. needn't do 20. shouldn't be 

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