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Выберите правильное время Past Simple или Past Progressive. Внимательно читайте предложение и вникайте в смысл. 1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday.

2. They (to go) to the cinema when they met me.
3. She (to learn) words the whole evening yesterday.

4. He (to work) in the garden yesterday.

5. My sister is fond of reading. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday.

6. The children (to do) their lessons at six o’clock yesterday.

7. I (not to play) the piano at four o’clock yesterday. I (to read) a book.

8. He (not to sleep) when father came home. He (to do) his homework.

9. What your father (to do) from eight till nine yesterday?

10. Why she (to cry) when I saw her yesterday?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Если любой, то: my heart's in the highlands, my heart is not here,  my heart's in the highlands, a-chasing the deer;   chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,  my heart's in the highlands, wherever i go. farewell to the highlands, farewell to the north,  the birth-place of valour, the country of worth ;   wherever i wander, wherever i rove,  the hills of the highlands for ever i love.  farewell to the mountains, high-cover'd with snow,  farewell to the straths and green vallies below;   farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods,  farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.  my heart's in the highlands, my heart is not here,  my heart's in the highlands, a-chasing the deer;   chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,  my heart's in the highlands, wherever i go. robert burns.

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