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Прочитайте текст. Найдите в тексте фактическTragic death of young lovers. In the middle_0the night, three deaths occurred at the Tomb of the Capulets; The watchman discovered the body of count Paris outside__1Capulets’tomb. There was an even_2sight inside. Juliet of the Capulets and Romeo of the Montagues_3dead._4understood what had happened until Friar Laurence_5___his story. We now know that the teenagers were in love but had__6the truth_7their families had been enemies for centuries. They had got married_8each other secretly. But when her parents ordered her to marry Paris, Juliet didn’t know__9to do. Read more about this tragedy in _10newspaper.

0-a-of b-at c-in d-by

1-a-of b-the c-a d-from

2-a-worst b-baddest c-worser d-worse

3-a-laid b-lying c-lay d- lied

4-a-everybody b-all c-nobody d-none

5-a-said b- discussed c-telled d-told

6-a-hided b-hidden c-hid d-hiding

7-a-although b-because c-when d-after

8-a-for b-with c-by d-to

9-a-how b-which c-what d-why

10-a-tomorrow’s b-next c-following d-later

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