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J'ai mal à Tu as mal à
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Vous avez mal à
a mal à
lls/elles ont mal à
II/elle a
a mal à
a mal à la tête (à+la)
a mal aux dents (à+lęs)
a mal au pied (à+le)
a mal à l'oreil (à+l)

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

. he forgot to put out the fire.

2. i'll never forget visiting italy for the first time.

3. jamie couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the night before.

4. sorry i'm a bit late. i had to stop to buy petrol on the way over here.

5. did you remember to get some milk when you were out?

6. i remember talking to your friend debbie at the party.

7. george isn't here; he must be on his way to work.

8. he wanted to catch the 8 o'clock train but he was too late.

9. we should do more to help endangered species.

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