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Once a philosopher was traveling down a river in a small boat. while he ) the river ) the boatman: ” you ever ) about philosophy? ” “no”, ) the boatman. “i never ) about it. what it )? ” “i ) sorry for you, indeed,” replied the learned man, “you ) a quarter of your life as it’s a very interesting science! ” several minutes later the philosopher asked the boatman another question:
“you ) about astronomy, when you ) at school? ” “no, ) school many years ago and i ) all about it.,” was the answer. to this the philosopher answered that he ) really sorry for the man, and he ) that the ) a second quarter of his life. some minutes passed and the passenger again ) if the man ever ) about algebra. and the man to) admit that he never ) anything about it. “in that case you certainly
) a third quarter of your life! ” said the scientist. at that very moment the boat struck on a big stone. the boatman jumped and cried: “you ever ))? ” “no,” was the answer. the boatman explained sadly to the philosopher that he ) sure the scientist ) his whole life as the boat ).

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once a philosopher was traveling down a river in a small boat. while he  was crossing the river he asked the boatman: ”  have you ever  heard about philosophy? ” “no”,  i haven*t " said the boatman. “i * ve never  heard about it. what  is  it  ? ” “i  am sorry for you, indeed,” replied the learned man, “you  have lost a quarter of your life as it’s a very interesting science! ” several minutes later the philosopher asked the boatman another question: “did   you  hear about astronomy, when you  were at school? ” “no, i  left school many years ago and i  forgot all about it.,” was the answer. to this the philosopher answered that he  was  really sorry for the man, and he  thought that the boatman lost a second quarter of his life.

                      some minutes passed and the passenger again  wondered if the man had ever  heard about algebra. and the man  had to admit that he had never  known anything about it. “in that case you certainly  lost a third quarter of your life! ” said the scientist.

                      at that very moment the boat struck on a big stone. the boatman jumped and cried: “ have you ever  learnt  swimming ( to swim)? ” “no,” was the answer. the boatman explained sadly to the philosopher that he  was sure the scientist  had lost his whole life as the boat  was sinking

Butterfly is an insect of the order lepidoptera. like all holometabolous insects, butterflies' life cycle consists of four parts, egg, larva, pupa and adult. most species are diurnal. the diverse patterns formed by their brightly coloured wings and their erratic flight have made butterfly watching a hobby.[citation needed]  butterflies comprise the true butterflies (superfamily papilionoidea), the skippers (superfamily hesperioidea) and the moth-butterflies (superfamily hedyloidea). butterflies exhibit polymorphism, mimicry and aposematism. some migrate over long distances. some butterflies have evolved symbiotic and parasitic relationships with social insects such as ants. butterflies are important economically as agents of pollination. in addition, a few species are pests, because they can damage domestic crops or trees in their larval stage.  culturally, butterflies are a popular motif in the visual and literary arts.

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