Есть ответ 👍

1 Bernard Silver is the man which/ who invented the barcode.
2 Tennis is the game which/ who I like playing the most.
3 This is the supermarket that/ who my mother uses.
4 The Natural History Museum is the one which/ who has the
famous dinosaur bones.
5 Spanish is the language that / what I speak best.​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 Bernard Silver is the man who invented the barcode.

2 Tennis is the game which I like playing the most.

3 This is the supermarket that my mother uses.

4 The Natural History Museum is the one which has the

famous dinosaur bones.

5 Spanish is the language that  I speak best.​


1. an( т.к. early начинается на гласную букву)

2. a ( hot начинается на согласную)

3. The (уточнение какой конкретно весной)

4. -

5. a ( warm начинается на согласную)


Популярно: Английский язык