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Составить из нижеперечисленных слов предложения. 1.by the 19th century/more/Improvements/allowed/in microscopes/detailed investigations/.

2.two German scientists, Matthias J. Schleiden and Theodor Schwann/inde-
pendently/that/In the 1830s/called the cell theory/ Scottish botanist Robert Brown/concluded/the cell nucleus/that/discovered/and/the basis of all life/ were/cells/a view/called/.

3.in 1858/that/Rudolf Virchow/from/another German scientist/all cells/previously/existing cells/develop/stated/.

4.to preserve cells/opened/for intensive research/During the late 19th century/ techniques/the way/ of fi xing and staining tissues/.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 He felt relieved. - Он почувствовал облегчение.

2 She's confused. - Она в замешательстве.

3 He felt lonely. - Он чувствовал себя одиноким.

4 She was ashamed. - Ей было стыдно.

5 He was worried. - Он переживал.

6 She was bored. - Ей было скучно.

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