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Найдите в тексте подлежащие и сказуемые: Beginning in 776 BC, the Olympic Games were held in the Valley of Olympia in Greece. They were dedicated to the Olympian Gods and took place every four years. By about 650 BC the Gam were held over five days. Sportsmen came to the Valley of Olympia from every ner of the Greek world. Sportsmen competed in running, wrestling and the n tathlon. The pentathlon was a five-event match which included running, wrestline jumping, throwing the discus and throwing the javelin.? Later boxing, a race and other events were included. Women could not take part in the Games . even couldn't watch them. The winners of these early Games were awarded wit wreaths from an olive tree that was planted by Hercules* (Heracles), founder the Games. In 394 AD the Olympic Games were abolished. Thanks to Baron Pierre de Coubertin the first modern Olympic Games took place in Greece in 1896. They were held over 10 days in April. About 300 ath letes from 13 countries participatedº in 9 different sports. The largest delego. tion was from Greece. They won 10 gold medals and set Olympic records. At the Moscow 1980 Games more than 5,000 athletes from 80 countries competed in 21 different sports. The 2004 Olympic Games also took place in Greece. Athletes from 202 countries competed in 28 different sports some of which, for example. the track events in athletics, are very old, while others were added' to the pro- gramme of the Games not long ago. For example, open water swimming events. over the distance of 10 kilometres, were included into the programme of the Olympic Games in 2008 (in China).

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