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3. Complete the questions using : vitamins, tired, organic, food habits, amount, vegetarianism, eat, diet. 1. food isn’t considered to be healthy anymore, is it?
2. Do the contained in the juice digest badly?
3. Does juice introduce a large of sugar into your bloodstream?
4. Can juice make you feel ?
5. Some of American celebrities have changed their , haven’t they?
6. 5.4% of the British don’t meat, do they?
7. Has the fashion for passed?
8. Is red meat an integral element of models’ ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Organic food isn’t considered to be healthy anymore, is it?

2. Do the vitamins contained in the juice digest badly?

3. Does juice introduce a large amount of sugar into your bloodstream?

4. Can juice make you feel tired?

5. Some of American celebrities have changed their food habits , haven’t they?

6. 5.4% of the British don’t eat meat, do they?

7. Has the fashion for vegetarianism passed?

8. Is red meat an integral element of models’ diet?


1.organic 2. vitamins 3. amount 4. tired 5. food habits 6. eat 7. diet 8. vegetarianism

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