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3. He made his own televisions as a boy because his family was poor, (a) TRUE
(c) It doesn't say
4. In Paragraph 2, what does them' refer to?
(a) hobbies
(b) computers
(c) televisions
5. Why didn't Steve Jobs study in grade five in school?
(a) He studied very hard.
(b) He thought it was too difficult.
(c) He didn't know what to do with his life.
6. Steve Jobs never graduated from high school.
(a) TRUE
(c) It doesn't say.
7. In Paragraph 2, what does 'it' mean?
(a) deciding to quit college
(b) travelling to India
(c) studying at college
8. When did Steve Jobs make Apple Computer company?
(a) 1976
(b) 1974
(c) 1975
9. What was the name of Steve Jobs' wife?
(a) Atari
(b) Steve
(c) It doesn't say.
10. When did Steve Jobs die?
(a) 2003
(b) 1991
(c) 2011

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Мой любимый мультфильм это Король Лев.В один день у льва муфасы рождается сын Симба.Симба с детства знал что он будущий король.Симбе с самых юных лет львица Нала.Король Муфаса показывает владения.Но дядя Симбы, Шрам хочет тоже стать королем.Шрам хочет что бы Симба вместе с Налой пошли на слоновое кладбище..

My favorite cartoon is the Lion King. One day the son of Mufasa is born to the lion, Simba. Simba knew from childhood that he was the future king. From a very young age, the lioness Nala helps Simba. King Mufasa shows the property. But Simba's uncle, Scar wants to become king too. Scar wants Simba and Nala to go to the elephant cemetery ..


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