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2. Complete the sentences v предложения названиям
1. Lemons are
2. Oranges are
3. Teeth are
4. Tomatoes are​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Lemons are yellow and sour

Oranges are orange and very sweet.

Both have vitamin C

Teeth are white and strong

Tomatoes are red and succulent (сочный)


Lemons are my favorite fruit

Oranges are inexpensive

Teeth are clean if you brush them

Tomatoes are not tasty

В№1 чтобы образовать множественное число . надо добавить в конце каждого слова  -es, а в слове live добавить -s=lives №2 good- better- the best   boring- more boring- the most boring far- farther, further- the farthest, furthest  short- shorter- the shortest happy- happier- the happiest mach, many- more- the most expensive- more expensive- the most expensive dangerous- more dangerous- the most dangerous

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