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Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме. Basov: Hallo. (to be) that Lake and Co? I'd like to speak to Mr. Lake. Lake: Yes. Lake (to speak).
Basov: Good afternoon, Mr. Lake. This (to speak) Basov of Avtoexport. We (to see) your new model of cars lately and we are interested in your new cars. You (can) send us your offer?
Lake: I (to believe) we (to send) you our offer, Mr. Basov. You (to receive) it? Basov: Not yet. When you (to send) it?
Lake: We (to send) it a week ago, I (to believe).
Basov: Then we (must, to receive) it today or tomorrow. Lake: I (to think) so. How many cars would you like to buy? Basov: 5 or 6.
Lake: Good. And when you (to require) them?
Basov: In April or in May.
Lake: I (to believe) we (can, to ship) you the cars in April.
2. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужное по смыслу время. Переведите эти предложения.
One day a very old man (to come) to see a doctor . He (to have) a minor complaint. The doctor (to examine) him very carefully and (to ask) how old the man (to be) and (to listen) to answer with surprise. The old man (to be), in fact, much older than he (to look) and (to feel) much better that the doctor (to expect). The doctor (to wonder) how the old man (to manage) to keep so fit. The old man, it (to appear), (to be) married, (to have) children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. He (to smoke), never (to refuse) a drink and (to be) a hearty eater. He (to work) all his life and the work (to be) very easy .After many questions the doctor (to hear) at last that the old man (to spend) almost three quarters of his life in the open air. He (to say) to the doctor, “On the day I (to get) married, my wife and I (to agree) that if one of us (to begin) a quarrel, the other (to leave) the place immediately to stop the scandal. So all in all I (to have) five thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven walks for about two or three hours.”

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1. do . 2 . is. 3. did 4. did 5. do , will 6. does 7. are 8. was

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