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Тест по английскому языку 8 класс модуль 3. 1. Fill in the gaps. Use the words: overtime, freelancer, deadline, bring up, moved, salary, uniform, change.
John had to schools, because his family decided to live in another city.
My mom`s is 55.000 dollars a year.
At my work I always have to meet tough .
They want to children in their country house.
Laura and Simon houses a couple of years ago. Now they live on Elm street.
My brother always has to work to pay for his university.
I wish I could work from home, as a .
At high school we don`t have to wear a . It`s not necessary.​

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Ответы на вопрос:


2. john weakly smiled at lizzie.

3. lizzie sadly looked at john.

4. john softly said to lizzie: 'marry me! '


Популярно: Английский язык