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8 класс. Тест Каузативная форма. Напиши предложения в каузативе:
1. The dentist whitens my teeth once a year.
2. The doctor examined my back yesterday.
3. The shoemaker will repair his shoes tomorrow.
4. Ann asked a designer to make her skirt.
5. Mum made breakfast for me.
6. The mechanic tests my car every year.
7. The dentist pulled out her teeth yesterday
8. The hairdresser will straighten my hair tomorrow.
9. Mum is ironing a blouse for me
10. A famous designer made her wedding dress.

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I want to present to you my project on the topic "What have people done to save our planet?" To begin with, I would like to start with myself. My family and I sort out batteries and hand over waste paper to school. I replaced plastic bags in the store with fabric bags. Human life depends on such small details. I think if everyone does a little, we'll get the result!

Я хочу представить вам свой проект на тему «Что сделали люди для нашей планеты?» Для начала я бы хотел начать с себя. Я с моей семьей отсортировываю батарейки и сдаю макулатуру в школу. Я заменил пакеты из пластика в магазине, на тканевые. От таких мелких деталей зависит жизнь человечества. Я думаю, если каждый будет делать по немного, мы добьёмся результата!

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