22.11.2022 05:11
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Write the verbs in Present Simple Passive voice. V1 Повх, Дружбин В.,Глухов, Бриль,Сіромолот 1.The postbox ( empty) every day. 2. The stamps (postmark) at the post office. 3. The letters ( sort) into different towns. 4. The mail (deliver) by train. 5. The bags (take) by the porters. 6. Hockey( play) in winter. 7. Mushrooms ( gather) in autumn. 8. Flowers ( not, sell) in the these shops. 9. The town ( not, build) in one day. 10. …the composition ( write) on this lesson? 11. Where …the letters ( conserve) in your family?12. Where …your leg (break)?
Write the verbs in Present Simple Passive voice. V2 Наретя, Деревянко, Дружбин Д.,Гончаров,Холод,
1.They (meet) on the station. 2. The luggage ( bring) by a porter. 3. A hat ( forget) on the bench. 4. I ( advice) to go to the doctor. 5. The sport games ( play) in the gym. 6. The soup ( cook) in the pot. 7. Meat ( cut) with a knife. 8. This book ( not, write) by him. 9. These letters ( not, send) by me. 10. …milk ( drink) by dogs? 11. When… the questions ( answer)? 12. Why…the cars (break)?
Write the verbs in Present Simple Passive voice. V3 Степанова, Зубко, Шилов, Абдулов, Сердюк,Кириченко
1.The newspaper (see) by my father. 2. A report ( make) by Bill. 3. The carpet ( hang) on the wall. 4.The library ( visit) by everybody. 5. The weather ( speak) every day. 6. He ( operate) today. 7. The glasses ( look) for everywhere. 8. The tests ( not, sheck).9 My sister ( not, invite) to the party. 10. … the work ( do)? 11. …the cakes ( bake)? 12. When…these bags (buy)?
Write the verbs in Present Simple Passive voice. V4 Іванов,Нікітіна. Луговая,Карпика, Лещенко,
1.The horses ( drive) every summer. 2.This film ( show) on TV. 3. The travel ( plan) by my parents. 4. These sweets ( leave) on the table. 5. These books ( promise) to me. 6 This present ( get) by Mike. 7. A river ( cross) by a raft. 8 These buildings ( not, finish) in time. 9. The cup ( not, break) by a dog. 10. …the way ( show) to you? 11. …the shells ( bring) from the south? 12. When …the pencil ( buy)?
Кого забула, пишіть любий варіант. Всім іншим змінювати варіант не можна. Зошити із завданнями принести на наступний урок. Кожен отримає оцінку.
НАГАДУЮ Present Simple passive voice
I am
You, we, they are (not) V3 (Ved)
He is

You are invited You are not invited Are you invited?​

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