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Английский , 3 и 4 упражнение Упражнение 3. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя модальный глагол need
ПРИМЕР. It is not necessary to go there. = You need not go there.
⦁ It is not necessary to take a taxi.
⦁ It is not necessary to buy the child everything he wants.
⦁ It is not necessary to get up early on weekends.
⦁ It is not necessary for you to be present at the meeting.
⦁ It is not necessary for him to remind me about her birthday.
⦁ It is not necessary for mother to cook a pie. We can buy a cake.

Упражнение 4. Дайте совет, используя модальный глагол should и фразы, данные в скобках.
ПРИМЕР. She doesn’t read very well. (to read aloud) — She should read aloud.
⦁ This child doesn’t want to eat soup. (give her sweets before dinner)
⦁ She has done a lot of spelling mistakes. (to rewrite the exercise again.)
⦁ The dog is afraid of him. (not to shout at the dog)
⦁ The students couldn’t understand what the teacher said in English. (not to speak so fast)
⦁ The boy looks pale. (to play out of doors)
⦁ I am afraid you will miss the last train. (to take a taxi)
⦁ It is going to rain. (to take an umbrella with you)​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1). b. 2)c. 3). b. 4). b

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