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Нужно исправить ошибки в предложениях, если они есть 1) Is that your niece in the photo? He's so grown-up.

2) This hat is so ridiculous, take it off now.

3) She married her last boyfriend 2 months ago and divorced him a month ago.

4) Does your family share household chores equally?

5) Did you have a bachelorette party before the wedding?

6) It is not easy for single parents to raise children.

7) Our whole family has left, but we arrange regular meetings for the holidays.

8) Many teenagers want to be treated as equals.

9) Tolerance and sincerity are the foundations of a harmonious family.

10) Do you keep in touch with your distant relatives?

11) My cousin and I are the same age.

12) Mary is nearly forty. - Yah! Are you kidding.

13) Single people can adopt children?

14) Don't tell me you met your ex-girlfriend by chance and you weren't even flirting

15) Michael is a bachelor, he does not need a commitment for life.

16) The only child in the family is partly very spoiled.

17) Alice married a widower who is 25 years her senior.

18) Jealousy can destroy harmony in the family

19) Like son, like mother! - Look who`s talking

20) You're too independent. Look - you will remain an old maid.

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Ответы на вопрос:

well, I am sorry for not being able. the other side of the day, and the kids. they were not able. the other half of his 82 the same time.

братец кролик берет коробку, кладет семена в неё и идет к дереву с коробкой в руках. эта птица увидела братца кролика и сказала - , братец кролик. что ты хочешь сделать с коробкой? о, у меня там много семян. они желтые, они большие, они милые! и что ты сделаешь с семянами? - сказала птицая хочу съесть их - ответил братец кролик.я тоже хочу съесть их - сказал птица.если хочешь съесь их - прыгни в коробку - сказала птица.птица голодна, она хочет есть много семян и они прыгнула в коробку. братец кролик закрыл коробку, взял коробку с птицей и побежал к тёте мамми бамми 

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