даю 60б 2 Answer the questions. 1 What did a man who lived alone in the house, always do? READING 2 How did he feel and what did he do one day? 3 What were the next nights like? 4 Did he wash up the dishes right away after his eating out of them? 5 What did he find out one night? 6 What was his house iko soon? 7 What things couldn't he find? How did he feel? 8 What den came to his mind? 9 Why was he very tired? 10 What did he decide? 11 Why is he happy at the end of the story?

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

ответь на вопросы. 1 Что всегда делал одинокий мужчина в доме? ЧТЕНИЕ 2 Что он чувствовал и что делал однажды? 3 Какими были следующие ночи? 4 Он вымыл посуду сразу после того, как поел из нее? 5 Что он узнал однажды ночью? 6 Каким был его дом Ико скоро? 7 Что он не мог найти? Как он себя чувствовал? 8 Какая берлога пришла ему в голову? 9 Почему он очень устал? 10 Что он решил? 11 Почему он счастлив в конце рассказа?

(Я ТАК ПОНИМАЮ это нужно был перевод потому что фото не вижу)

1. i watch tv at seven o’clock every evening. 2. i watched tv yesterday. 3. she does her morning exercises very often. 4. she did her morning exercises yesterday. 5. i usuallywalk to university but yesterday i took a taxi. 6. as a rule my mother cooks dinner but yesterday she invited us to the restaurant. 7. he doesn't like coffee but yesterday he drank a cup of coffee as he was very tired. 8. they are in moscow now but last week they were in new york. 9. he usually sleeps well but last night he slept badly. 10. she plays tennis every weekend but last weekend she didn't play tennis, she worked in the garden.

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