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Раскрыть скобки. 1) (long) the children saw the film, (frightened) they felt. 2)new districts of moscow are (beautiful) than the old ones. 3) he is (clever) than his brother. 4) my (old) sister is 4 years older than me. 5) is english grammar (difficult) than russian? 6) he has made (few) mistakes than than yesterday. 7) (interesting) the book is, (fast) you read it. 8) (early) you come, (quickly) we finish the work. 9) (hot) the weather is, (bad) i feel. 10) she had to give us (far) information though she didn't want to. 11) this exersice is (simple) than that one. 12) (late) you come, (little) you will sleep. 13)(much) you study, (clever) you will become. 14) (cold) the winter is, (hot) the summer will be. 15) (near) you come up, (well) you will see the picture.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Longer more frightened more beautiful cleverer elder more difficult fewer more interesting faster earlier more quickly hotter worse further simpler later less more cleverer colder hotter nearer better

1 a

2 a) am

b) is

c) are

3 b

4 a

5 1-c



6 b

7 a

8 1-b



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