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Спотлайт 6 модуль 5 Вариант 2 Vocabulary Ex.1 Fill in the correct word. a)dusting b) cake c)phone d)decorations

e)homeworkf)fireworks g)tea h)gardening

i)flowers j)costumes 1 The room looks lovely with all the … the walls. 2 Can I makc a call?

3 The living room is dirty we must do


4 l'm sorry. I can't go out tonight because I'm doing my 5 Mum is making a … for my birthday! 6 At Halloween, we all wear strange 7 Susan is doing the … She loves plants and flowers. 8 He loves to watch the … in the sky on Guy Fawkes' Night. 9 Are you thirsty? Molly is making some 10 He gives his mother
on her birthday.

Ех.2 Underline the correct word.

e.g. He is doing/making the decorations for the party.

11 They do/make wreaths at this time of year. 12 Dad does/makes a special dish on his birthday. 13 Please do/make the dusting today. 14 She is doing/making the washing-up. 15 Mum is doing/making the shopping.

Ex.3 Choose the correct item.

e.g. It's a great party! Come … and have some fun. A over B under C to

16 The house is very messy. You can help me to… up. A work B take C clean 17 On New Year's Day, we like to … TV. Alisten Bwatch Ceat 18 This is a great game. Why don't you … in? Ajoin Bgo Ccome 19 She wants to play a game of … chairs. A talented B musical Cdramatic 20 I love it when we … gifts. A exchange B lose C return

Grammar Ex.4 Underline the correct word.

e.g. It is/are raining today.

21 They is/are having a party. 22 She is/are washing the car. 23 They is/are watching a film. 24 Is/Are she listening to the radio? 25 Is/Are you eating my sandwich

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Ответы на вопрос:

present simple wnn future simple? 1. we will have   a picnic tomorrow if the weather is fine. 2. i will finish   watching the film before i go   to school. 3. we will go   for a walk as soon as it stops   raining. 4. if you don't leave   at once, you will be   late for school 5. if he doesn't hurry   he won't caught   the train. 6. the child will be   happy until mother buys   a new toy. 7. you won't feel   better unless you take the medicine. 8. tom will phone   us after he returns   home. 9. he will have   an accident unless he drives   more carefully. 10. i think i will finish   doing homework by the time dad comes   home. 11. she will wash   my jeans if she has time. 12. mother will send us a telegramme as soon as she arrives   in paris. 13. i won't speak to him again if he doesn't apologize . 14. i will write   to him as soon as i learn   his new address 15. dad will help us while mom stays with granny.

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