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Best part year and
Exercise 3.4. Insert the proper article.
1. Mary is not at office, I think she has gone home.
2. Is it
present Bill gave you for Christmas?
3. This is only cinema in this area.
waiter was last person I suspected.
5. This is exactly job I was looking for.
6. Do you have reason for arriving late?
7. end of book was by far
8. Most people think that good job is important part of life.
9. I didn't know answer to question so I left it out.
10. This sweater is cheap. I bought it in shop near railway station
11. cyclist was hit by car
12. Whose is car outside?
half is enough to finish this job.
14. I was in garden when
phone rang
15. shoplifter tried to steal some clothes. camera videoed
16. Have your seen my shoes? - They are on floor in kitchen
17. I think that is
awful thing to say
silly thing to do.
18. driver turned left. Suddenly child ran into
19. play we saw was comedy.
20. She has got
very friendly face with
big smile,
21. He had big moustache and small beard.
22. I saw fox this morning. I think it must be same fox I saw last
23. I kept calling her by wrong name and found myself in
awkward situation.
24. It's nicest day we've had all the week.
25. To little girl he was frightening figure,
feared and avoided.
26. << man doesn't know our language», he said and walked off to find
English doctor.
27. She looked in her bag for envelope.
28. Mrs. Davis sent me note asking if I could pay her visit that
29. She answered
soft tap on
door and maid came in with
tray, which she set on table.
30. postman has just put letter under
31. door of
garage is broken
32. student at back of class is reading newspaper
33. It is not good to smoke cigarette before
34. good pupil is never late for lesson
35. Mah Jong is
example of
beautiful box
old set from Singapore. He kept
who had
in living room. He used to open
box and tell me about
Chinese character on it.
The pieces were made of bamboo and each had
person to be
very old board
game. I had
set in​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)there are a lot of good museums in moscow, aren't there? 2)lena is a theatregoer, isn't she ? 3)some of the best russian paintings are in the tretyakov gallery, aren't they ? 4) it is very interesting to look at paintings, isn't it ? 5) i am right, aren't i ?

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