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Ex. 1. Find the odd one out. 1. Lemonade, tea, yoghurt, coffee.
2. Peppers, tomatoes, tuna, cauliflower.
3. Water, watermelons, bananas, cherries.
4. Tea, coffee, juice, grapes.
5. Cheese, yoghurt, lettuce, milk.
6. Cheese, butter, milk, salmon.
7. Beans, beef, onions, peppers.
надо обвести лишнее слово

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Oil

Because we don't drink oil, but we drink milk, juice and water.

2. Banana, because it's fruit and onion, garlic, tomato are vegetables.

3. Meat, because pork, lamb and beef are kinds of meat.

4 carrot is vegetable, but apple, orange and grape are fruits


че там ку проверь

1. tomorrow we will go shopping, father elephant said (завтра мы пойдем по магазинам, сказал отец элефант)

2.there were a lot of flowers in the park a week ago (там было много цветов неделю назад)

3. alice didn't see tom and tim at the party (элис не видела тома и тима на вечеринке)

4. did he water the flowers yesterday? (он поливал цветы вчера? )

5. where does she skate? in the park. (где она каталась на коньках? в парке)

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