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Нипишите не большое сочинение на тему как я правёл свои идеальные каникулы в Москве от имени Никиты.:*ПО АНГЛИЙСКИ*

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And in the city and in the village have their pros and cons. for example, in the village of advantages: air better, purer; less transport, more of nature; the silence, the quietude. cons: alienation from the society, from the varied and interesting life, which is in the city; in the small villages problems with the transportation service (lack store, pharmacy); all know each other, so there is no sense of freedom. in the city pros: large choice of opportunities in terms of career, new useful contacts, personal relationships, service; the movement, the feeling of freedom and independence. minus: the constant bustle, noise, ecology (air) are worse than in the village. in general ideally so: it is better to live in a city and periodically go to the village to mentally relax from everyday problems and hassles.

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