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Переведите текст на только не в google: я считаю что родители должны выбирать друзей. потому что родителям виднее что представляет тот или иной человек, у них больше опыта в жизни и они видят с кем дружба к хорошему, а с кем наоборот испортит ребенка. и ребенок может попасть в плохую компанию поэтому и выбирают друзей

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Iconsider hundred parents have to choose friends. because to parents is more visible that this or that person represents, they have more experience in life and they see with whom friendship will bring to good and with whom on the contrary will spoil the child. and the child can get to the bad company therefore i choose friends parents)

Ibelieve that parents should choose your friends. because parents know best what is this or that person, they have more experience in life and they see who friendship will lead to good things, and who on the contrary spoil the child. and the child can get into bad company and that's why they choose friends

First of all i’m going to show him/her my city. it is really beautiful and it would be so great to share my favorite spot with him/her. secondly i would love to introduce him to our culture. it's completely different from theirs, so i hope he will be interested in it. we could watch some old soviet movies, read books and stuff like that. and for last i will make him try our food. like real russian food. and may be he/she could cook couple of traditional english dishes for us to try. so we can have a international food day. that would be awesome. i really hope he/she will have the best time ever.

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