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TEST YOUR SELF Complete the text about the wine industry in California using the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets

The sunny west coast state of California currently producer more than 90% of all US wine. In the past very little of this was organic, but the US wine industry (1) (go) through a large and important change.
The population of California (2)(grow) by half a million every year, and more people live next to farms and vineyard than ever before. Because wine growers traditionally use a lot of pesticides, people are concerned about their health. Now many wine growers want to be good neighbors and (3)(change) over to organic methods.
By moving away from the convention method, growers (4)...(reduce) the number of pesticides they use. Instead of pesticides, some of them use bats and owls to keep bugs under control.
Many wine producers (5) also (realize) that sustainable, chemical-free farming makes good economic sense, in addition to being healthier. At first, the change to an organic system increases the cost by 10 to 15%. But the demand for organic wines (6) (grow) every year and sales (7)(go up). So the initial cost is justified.
With this changing trend in production, the quality of organic wines (8) (improve) all the time. This is very good news for consumers. Organic wines taste better than ever before and prices (9)(fall).
And sales of organic wines (10)... (increase) not only in the USA but also in such far-flung countries as Japan, France, and Argentina. The future looks very bright (green) for organic wines.

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The tale of tsar saltan. it was written by alexander pushkin .rodilsya twenty sixth day of may one thousand seven hundred and ninety ninth goda.v city moskve.glavnye heroes in this tale guidon, sultan, princess, queen. guidon-muestvenny strong. princess beautiful, feminine. the queen-cultural, tender. tsar saltan, majestic, wise. i like the episode where tsar saltan overhears the conversation and sisters marry mladshey.u have a son guido, who then marry the princess .and tale ends well.

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