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Найдите ошибки! yesteday i get up very early.i clean my teeth.i have my brekfast.then i was doing my homework.soon i went to my colege.when i came the classes have already begun.i was sorry for being late.

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Отсутствие времён past simple и past perfect. также следует говорить "brush teeth", а не "clean teeth" — это вас неправильно в школе учат. правильный вариант: yesterday i got up very early. i brushed my teeth. i had my breakfast. then i was doing my homework. soon i went to my college. when i came, the classes had already begun. i was sorry for being late. вчера я рано встала. я почистила зубы. я позавтракала. далее я выполняла своё . вскоре пошла в колледж. когда я пришла, занятия уже шли. я извинилась за опоздание.

1. Mozart (to write) more than 600 pieces of music. – Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music. – Моцарт написал более шестисот музыкальных произведений.

2. My father taught me to drive the car a year ago.

3. Jim and his friends played the paintball yesterday.

4. He read a new book last month.

5. My sister had exams last year.

6. Ann spent much money the other day.

7. She bought new dress and new bag two days ago.

8. Yesterday I got up at 7.30 in the morning.

9. We were students last year. Now we are doctors.

10. We did our project the day before yesterday.

11. They visited their granny a month ago.


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