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Insert prepositions in the blanks provided: 1.Translate text ... english ... uzbek
2.He is ... Moscow now.
3.The pencil is desk.
4.1 have breakfast ... home.
5. The students are the garden now.
6.The school is ... the station.
7.The cat is ... the table.
8.The garden is ... the house
9.The circus is ... to the shop.
10.The flowers are ... the vase.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i _have been rining_ the bell for the last quarter of an hour, (to ring) (maugham) 2. i want to see how much he _has changed_ since i saw him last, (to change) (voynich) 3. _have _ you _had_ any word from her since she left here? (to have) (dickens) 4. i don't want to take a cure at all. i am perfectly happy. all my life i _have been_ perfectly happy. (to be) (hemingway) 5. signora grassini greeted gemma affectionately, exclaiming in a loud whisper: "how charming you _are looking/look_ tonight! " (to look) (voynich) 6. here's my keys. i _am leaving_ (to leave) (gow and d’usseau) 7. i _haven't spoken_ to mr. boldwood since the autumn. i want to explain. i _have longed_ to do it ever since i returned, (to speak — nej»tive, to long) (hardy) 8. i requested them to suspend their decision until they. _read_ my narrative, (to read) (collins) 9. wait till you _see_ moose and _talk_ with him. (to see, to talk) (aldridge) 10. "but what _shall/will_ we _do_ ? " she asked. "i _am thinking_ about it a lot. i _have been thinking_ about it all week. but 1 _i don't know_ what to do." (to do, to think, to think, to know — negative) (caldwell) 11. i muet not let my eyes get all red and swollen, or henry'll know i _was crying_ (to cry) (maugham) 12. the sun _shines_ with different degrees of heating power in different parts of the world, (to shine) 13. "look," i said, "i _know_ francis very well. i _have known_ him since we were very young men." (to know,! to know) (snow) 14. "well, i _heard/have heard_ that iris isn't going to be married," i said after a while, (to hear) (maugham) 15. he says he _has been listening_ to the same tunes for fifteen years, (to listen) (maugham)

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