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2 Complete the sentences with the words in Exercise 1. Example: I like playing chess. I play this game with my father.
1. I have many beautiful pictures. I always take my camera with me. I love
2. I enjoy It is interesting to put pieces together. It is difficult but fun.
3. Sometimes I take my favourite instrument to school. My friends like to listen to me.
They know that I love ...,
4. I have a board with 2 small wheels under each end. I love
5. My favourite thing is a pair of boots with small wheels! I love
very much. памагите

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. very small - tiny (крошечный)

2. thin - narrow (узкий)

3.opposite of thin - wide (широкий)

4.steps that go up and down usually inside a house - stairs (маршевая лестница)

5.we use this to climb up to high places usually outside - ladder (вертикальная лестница)

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