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Өнер-білімнің пайдасы жайында мақал-мәтелдер тауып жазып, мағыналарын түсіндіріңдер. Деректі, дерексіз зат есімдерді ажыратыңдар

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1.i`m quite certain that the snow will melt soon.

2) the most difficult thing in the world must be raising children.

3) the tsunami can travel 800 km per hour, there is no doubt about it.

4) i have always had a feeling that my grandmother loved me even more then my mother.

5) learning english must be quite easy.

6) skiing in colorado is very dangerous and i know i`m right.

7) 3-carat diamond ring might be a wonderful thing to have.

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