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ENGLISH что здесь нужно делать

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответить чем или кем являются подчёркнутые слова

1) who

2) who

3) who, what

4) who

1. ‘can i speak to the manager, please? ’-  d ‘can i ask what your call is concerning? ’2. ‘do you think teenagers’ lives are easier now? ’- a ‘if you ask me, the answer is no.’3. ‘do you fancy dan? -’ c ‘well, i think he’s attractive but he messes around too much.’ 4. ‘why did you mention computer games? ’- b ‘well, i’m very willing to learn and i’m well qualified.’5. ‘why should we employ you? ’ - e ‘the point i’m trying to make is that they can be good for you.

Популярно: Английский язык