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№1. Перепишите и переведите, обращая внимание на перевод глагола в Passive. Определите время и залог сказуемого, в скобках укажите инфинитив основного глагола 1. This article was first published in another edition and it will be reprinted here with the permission of the editors. 2. Fielding's last novel «Amelia» has been admired by everybody even more than «Tom Jones» probably because of the beautiful character of the heroine. 3. Tell him he is being waited for. 4. This dialect is spoken only in the mountainous part of the country. 5. She was admired not only for his talent but also for his ability to attract people.

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The most popular mass media in our family is tv.  programs are provided by company).  this company offers a lot of channels.  my parents mostly watch talk shows and soap operas.  i prefer programs about wildlife, animals and nature in general.  we also watch news. our tv company also offers a lot of channels with films.  i can also watch english and american channels to improve my english.  we often watch them, especially in the evening.  sometimes we listen to the radio, mostly in the car.  they broadcast nice music, news and weather forecast every hour.  the internet is also very popular in our family.  it is also provided by the same company.  there i mostly play games and look for information for my lesson,  in the internet i also communicate with my friends.

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