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Helped Vantura Vantura
Tamtur said Zarena I'm going to try to cut
the can with my teeth 5 "Zarena
managed to get a plece of the top end of the
can between her teeth. It tasted horrible, but
she started to chew. Fineen minutes later,
Lantura was free
The both lay breathless on the grass, Vantura
was bleeding from where the can had cut her
face area was bleeding from where the can
had cut her mouth. Thank you said Vantura
centually. The never forget this
What do you think happened next? Did Vantura
tell all the sefods about bow Zarena saved her.
and they allowed Zarena from that day on?
Not quite Vantura didn't tell anyone because
she didn't want to look ridiculous. Zarena
didn't tell anyone because she didn't want to
6 Dorgo Quando witnessed
the whole thing and quickly told everyone
But no over mentioned it to Vantura
Santara bere bullied Zarena again. And when
Zarena did so to the conve- and perhaps she
wenta ne more often than before the other
arfods started to treat her with respect (although
they never mentioned the incident to her either)
and she slowly started to gain the confidence she
needed to talk to them. It was a start
UTDo the Reading exercise on
page 36 of your Workbook
перевод можно

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i am looking for you (я ищу тебя) 2. my mother is cooking dinner now (моя мама сейчас готовит ужин) 3. boys are playing football (мальчики играют в футбол) 4. i am playing the piano (я играю на пианино) 5. you are doing homework (ты делаешь работу) 6. the dog is running (собака бежит) 7. father is reading a newspaper (папа читает газету) 8. i am watching a movie (я смотрю кино) 9. you are going to the cinema (ты собираешься в кино) 10. i am reading book (я читаю книгу) 11. brother is playing volleyball (брат играет в волейбол) 12. i am helping my mother to cook breakfast (я моей маме приготовить завтрак) 13. sister is waking up (сестра просыпается) 14. i am cleaning the room (я убираю комнату) 15. cat is laying here (кот лежит здесь) во

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