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2 Write questions and short answers with the present perfect and ever.
1 you/ have an accident?
Have you ever had an accident?
2 Louisa / fall off her bike?
3 Tim / hurt his wrist?
4 your parents / live in Africa?
5 your best friend/ lose something important?
6 your friends / win a sports competition ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

what is she doing? что она делает?

is she cooking dinner? – yes, she is.она готовит обед? – да.

what are you doing? что ты делаешь?

are you doing your homework? ты делаешь ?

yes, i am. i am trying to learn a poem by heart.да. я пытаюсь учить на память стихотворение.

where are you going to? куда вы идете?

are you going home? – yes, i am.вы идете домой? – да.

she is not cooking dinner,  she is laying the table.она не готовит обед, она накрывает на стол.

i am not doing my homework,  i am writing a letter.я не делаю , я пишу письмо.

they are not reading a text,  they are listening to their teacher.они не читают текст, они слушают своего учителя.

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