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1) Why is effective communscation essention for people? 2) When did communication begin to take on an intentional format?
3) What was the purpose of the paintings on the cave walls?
4) Was story telling on of the most effective form of communication used by primitive man?
5) What were the disadvantages of early forms of communication?

All animal species have perfected system of communication, but humans are the only species capable of spoken language. Effective communication is essential for a variety of reasons. It serves to inform, motivate, establish authority and control, and allows for emotional expression. For humans in particular, communication is also vital for creating a sense of social cohesion. Just as mankind has evolved over the centuries, our means of communication have followed suit. What began as primitive cave paintings and signed language has morphed into an endless variety of ways to express oneself to other humans. Communication has existed in various forms since man appeared on Earth. The methods, however, consisted of a disorganized set of signs that could have different meanings to each human using them. It wasn't until three million years after man's debut, around the year 30,000 B.C.E, that communication began to take on an intentional format. The most well- known form of primitive communication is cave paintings. The artistic endeavours were created by a species of man that appeared around 130,000 B.C.E, the homo sapiens. The method involved creating pigments made from the juice of fruits and berries, coloured minerals, or animal blood. These pigments were then used to create depictions of primitive life on the cave walls. The purpose of the paintings has been questioned by scholars for years, but the most popular theory states that the depictions were used as a manual for instructing others what animals were safe to eat. Other forms of early communication existed, although they were less popular for a variety of reasons. Story telling was used to pass important information in the days before the existence of the written word. However, since man still lived in separate tribes, this information could not be applied outside one's own tribal community. Drums and smoke signals were also used by primitive man, but were not the most practical means of communicating. Both methods could attract unwanted attention from enemy tribes and predatory animals. These methods were also difficult to standardize.

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timetables, routines and schedules

3. my train leaves at 5 o`clock.

5. what time does your train arrive in brest ?

6. do you have classes next monday?

personal arrangements fixed plans.

1.-what are you doing this evening ? - i am travelling to

2. we are going to london in july.

4. what are we having for dinner ?

думаю,что так.

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