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надо отметить subject predicate article pronoun adjective infinitive THE SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT In theory, the constitution has three branches: Parliament, which makes laws, the government, which “executes” laws, i.e. puts them into effect, and the law courts, which interprets laws. Although the Queen is officially head of all three branches, she has little direct power.
Parliament has two parts: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Members of the House of Commons are elected by the voters of 650 constituencies. They are known as MPs, or Members of Parliament. The Prime Minister, or the leader of the Government, is also an MP, usually the leader of the political party with the majority in the House of Commons.
The Prime Minister is advised by a Cabinet of about twenty other ministers. The Cabinet includes the ministers in charge of major government departments or ministries. Departments and ministries are run by civil servants, who are permanent officials. Even if the Government changes after an election, the same civil servants are employed.
The House of Lords consists of the Lords Temporal and the Lords Spiritual. The Lords Spiritual are the Archbishops of York and Canterbury. The Lords Temporal consist of hereditary peers who have inherited their titles, life peers who are appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Government for various services to the nation, and the Lords of Appeal (Law Lords) who become life peers on their judicial appointments. The latter serve of the House of Lords is as the ultimate court of appeal. This appeal court consists of some nine Law Lords who hold senior judicial office. They are presided by the Lord Chancellor and the form a quorum of three to five when they hear appeal cases.

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поч не

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Однажды в нашем небольшом городе произошел случай. ночью взорвался дом. я конечно с моими друзьями решили посмотреть этот дом. со мной были мои друзья макс, ксюша,аня,полина.когда мы подошли к этому дому мы увидели в дальнем окне призрак девочки. она была маленькая, а глаза её были пустые,черные.когда мы её увидели мы не могли крикнуть от шока.   мы побежали к ксюше в дом (она жила рядом) . с её двора был виден этот дом. я увидела что у этой девочки покраснели глаза. потом снова стали черными. мы снова пошли туда. ксюша и макс решили зайти в тот дом. я,полина и аня остались возле него.когда ксюша и макс зашли в дом, они увидели что на лестнице кто то сидел. они побежали к нам. через неделю мы шли пешком и увидели что на поле которое находилось возле дома стояли большие деревяные кресты. потом мы спустились по полю и увидели что на снегу нарисован крест, а на пригорке написано "вы-трупы". когда они пошли меня провожать домой, максу позвонила мама и сказала: "иди домой. я уже дома." но дело в том что его мама лежала в больнице, а выписатся должна была только на следующей неделе.потом мне тоже позвонил папа и сказал также как сказала мама макса, а в это время (тогда было 2 часа) мы должны были учиться.когда мы шли к тому сгоревшаму дому шел мальчик. он был копией макса: такая же куртка , шапка и даже лицо.вдруг у макса сильно закололось сердце и он упал. он сказал что ему плохо. а в то время когда он падал я с аней заметила что тот мальчик громко засмеялся и поднял руки.на следующий день у макса на руке было выцарапан стеклом крест.         once in our small town there was a case. the night exploded house. i of course with my friends decided to see this house. i had my friends max, ksusha,anya,полина.когда we come to this house, we saw at the far window of the girl's ghost. she was little, and her eyes were empty,черные.когда we saw her we could not shout from the shock. we ran to rachael in the house (she lived close) . with its courtyard was visible this house. i saw this little girl's eyes were red. then again became black. we went back. ksyusha and max decided to go to the house. i,polina and anya were near него.когда ksenia and max went into the house, they saw that on the stairs who was sitting. they ran towards us. after a week we walked and saw that on the field, which was near the house there were large wooden crosses. then we went down on the field and saw that the snow is drawn cross on the hill it is written, "you are dead". when they send me to accompany her home, max mother called and said: "go home. i have at home." but the fact that his mother was in the hospital, and выписатся was only on the next неделе.потом i also called dad and said as mom said max, and at this time (then it was 2 hours) we had to учиться.когда we went to the fact сгоревшаму home was a boy. he was a copy of max: the same jacket , hat and even лицо.вдруг max strongly закололось heart and he fell. he said that it is bad. and when he fell i with anna noticed that the boy laughed loudly and raised руки.на next day max wore выцарапан glass cross.

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