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3. Ask questions to the underlined words using Passive. a. The boys damaged the television. b. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. c. He invited 30 people to his party. d. They grow bananas in Africa.​

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Задавайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам с пассива. а. мальчики повредили телевизор. Б. Да Винчи нарисовал Мону Лизу. в. он пригласил 30 человек на свою вечеринку.г. Они выращивают бананы в Африке.​


1.            yes, i was on a diet. 2.            i started a diet because i wanted to be in a good shape. 3.            i tried to lose weight and i did it! 4.            i ate only vegetables and fish. 5.            i drunk much water and i did not eat sweets and fried food at all. 6.            it was a good experience, but it was very difficult. 7.            no, the weight does not come back, because i do sport and follow the healthy food.

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