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Упр. 10.9. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в настоящем или будущем неопределенном времени. Переведите предложения. 1. The delegation (to start) …… for London as soon as they (to receive) …… their visas. 2. If it (to rain), …… we (to stay) …… at home. 3. When summer (to come), …… we (to go) …… to the country. 4. Nick (to do) …… his homework before his mother (to return) …… home. 5. These students (to write) …… a test after they (to answer) …… the teacher's questions. 6. The children (to play) …… in the park if the weather (to be) …… fine. 7. I (to believe) …… you if you (to keep) …… your promises. 8. You (to know) …… English better if you (to read) …… more English books.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. will he go to the country this summer? 2. what did we advise? 3. since when haven't you saw peter? 4. they are planning to have a holiday soon, aren't they? 5. what did she make for herself last week? 6. was everybody waiting at the door to the museum? 7. how many books had he read by the end of year? 8. by whom was he followed? 9. why didn't he know how he could help his friend ?

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