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It's very A but
I don't like that restaurant -
expensive. Let's go somewhere else.
We can go to the shop round the corner
I'd like soup to start with a cheese
B or
C because
we can drive to the big supermarket
C because
out of town.
B where
A or
B or
A but
salad for my main course, please.
C and
We went to a great fast-food restaurant
they have lots of fresh, healthy,
tasty food.
C but
A where
B when

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1)The Earth,2) The Sun, 3)a book, 4) Без артикля, 5)The British Isles,6) Swiss Alps(Без артикля), В последних 2-х тоже артикль не нужен.


Популярно: Английский язык