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A) an apple b) a rabbit
c) see
18. Жануарлар тақырыбына жататын сөзді көрсет
a) hot
b) a pen
c) a wolf
19. There is ... orange in the box.
a) a
b) some
c) an
20. ... is a beautiful picture.
a) These
b) This
c) Those​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. I want them to come at 5.

2. We will not let him lie.

3. I saw that she left the room.

4. I saw her leave the room.

5. They did not expect us to return.

6. We will make him speak.

7. Alice watched them dance.

8. Peter saw her get up, open the door and leave.

9. I would like to visit my parents.

10. I see that this is a serious problem.

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