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Good afternoon, children! The theme of our today's lesson is Musical Instruments.

1.Read about different styles of popular music. Write which of them you listen to.
Pop Styles
The Blues
Rhythm and Blues
Country and Western
Rock and Roll
British Beat
Heavy Metal
amplifi ed
Reggae mixture
Blues: traditional Black American music. ‘Blue’ means ‘sad’, and many blues songs are about how hard life is.
Gospel: originally sung by African slaves. The happy, emotional songs are still heard in churches in the southern USA.
Blues: black workers in the USA moved from farms to cities. They mixed the Blues with Gospel and played it with electric guitars – this became ‘rhythm and blues’.
Western: the music of poor white Americans in the 1930s and 1940s. It is still the most popular music in the southern USA.
Roll: white teenagers in the 1950s discovered rhythm and blues, but many radio stations would not play ‘black’ music. Elvis Presley was one of the fi rst singers to mix rhythm and blues and country and western. The result was ‘rock and roll’.
Beat: the Beatles in the 1960s mixed rhythm and blues, rock and roll, and soul music. The new style was ‘beat’ music. Groups used drums, bass and two guitars with vocal lead and harmony.
Metal: a style based on blues and rhythm and blues, but with the electric instruments so they are very loud.
Reggae: this started in Jamaica and is a of music from African roots and rhythm and blues. Bob Marley made it popular.
Rap: in the 1980s DJs in American clubs began half singing and half talking over instrumental records. This is called ‘rap’. West African speech rhythms survive in rap.
Jazz: an American musical art form which originated around the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the southern United States from a confl uence of African and European music traditions.

2.Watch a presentation and learn all the words on the topic.

3.Write the names of the instruments under the correct heading.
1. Stringed Instruments
2. Wind Instruments
3. Percussion Instruments
4. Keyboard Instruments

Homework: Read the statements and write what musical instrument it is.
1. The sound of this musical instrument is unusual, but it is good for dancing.
2. This is a wind instrument made of special tubes.
3. The material this musical instrument is made of changes its sound.
4. This is a common keyboard musical instrument. Many children learn to play it.

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1) what do you have for dinner? 2) when do you do your homework? 3) what do you do in the evening?

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