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Work in pairs, Read and check your answers Put the verbs in the passive voice.
Uzbek professional music (1)
in the 15th century by its famous musiclans
Usto Kul-Muhammad, Shaikhi-Na'i and the
poet Abdurakhman Jami, The great poet
Alisher Navoi was not only a musician but
also a composer of some pieces of music.
The genre makom stands at the top
of Uzbek professional music of oral folk
tradition, National instruments "doira" and
"tanbur" (2) (play) in this genre. Makoms
are instrumental and vocal musical pieces
performed together as a cycle.
The Shashmakom consists of six makoms
and it is the highest step of the musical
culture of Uzbek people.
The tanbur-player Pakhlavon Niyoz-
Mirzaboshi from Khorezm invented writing
for Uzbek national musical instruments.
Later it (3) … (bring) into practice. Early in
the 20th century, the first national opera
"Layli and Majnun" by U.Gajibekov (4)
(stage) in Tashkent.
Great Uzbek musicians Tukhtasin Ja-
lilov, Muhitdin Kori-Yokubov and Yunus
Rajabi developed the new forms of Uzbek
national music and applied them to the
traditional makoms. They (5) … (use) in
music for national musical instruments and
philharmonic orchestras.
The development of modern Uzbek na-
tional music (6) … (make) by the famous
composer and conductor Mukhtor Ashrafi.
Many of his compositions (7) … (base) on
Uzbek and Tajik folk songs.
Ulugbek Musaev is the author of the
ballet "Tumaris", which (8) … (base) on
the ancient legend about the fight of the
Massagetian queen against the Persian
army. Among the most famous philhar-
monic composers is Uzbek composer
Rustam Abdullaev.
Today the traditions of Uzbek national
music, folk melodies and songs (9)
(teach) at musical colleges and at Tashkent
State Conservatoire.

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Ответы на вопрос:

may - может

Модальный глагол May имеет основное значение вероятности или разрешения и используется только в двух формах: may – для использования в настоящем времени и might – в времени и сослагательном наклонении.

Формы модального глагола May:

Настоящее время время

I might (might not, mightn't)  - We might (might not, mightn't)

You might (you might not, mightn't) - You might (might not, mightn't)

He/She/It might (might not, mightn't) - They might (might not, mightn't)

Модальный глагол May употребляется:

Для того, чтобы по или дать разрешение, причем такая фраза звучит более формально, чем с модальным глаголом Can:

You may leave.

Вы можете идти.

May I use your phone?

Можно я воспользуюсь вашим телефоном?

Форма May используется в особо вежливых Для выражения предположения или возможности, в которых говорящий не уверен:

Peter may come today.

Может быть, сегодня придет Питер.

I may spend my holidays in Spain.

Может быть, я проведу свои каникулы в Испании.

Форма Might выражает еще большую степень неуверенности:

The weather might be better tomorrow.

Может, завтра погода улучшится.

При запрете (в отрицательной форме):

You may not talk loudly in libraries.

В библиотеках нельзя громко разговаривать.

Однако, как правило, значение запрета чаще выражается другими глаголами – mustn’t, can’t, don’t.

В упреке:

You might have carried my suitcase.


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