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плз с английским Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous

1. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Julia wanted to sit down as she … (stand) at work all day long.
2. She … (learn) "Eugene Onegin" by the autumn.
3. The rain stopped but there were a lot of puddles because it … (rain) cats and dogs.
4. Olivia and Victor … (chat) via Skype only for an hour when the connection broke.
5. They … (decorate) the New Year tree before the children arrived.
6. Bob … (eat up) all the muffins by lunchtime.
7. My sister … (do) the laundry since early morning.
8. I knew that our parents … (grow) melons in their greenhouse since they bought the house.
9. He … (lose) much weight by the end of the year.
10. Brown understood the problems of his agency because he … (work) for it since 2005.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.

to listen My head hurt because I … to music for three hours. - I knew the names of the robbers because I … to the news on TV.

to build They … a new school for six months when there was an earthquake. - They … a new block of flats by December.

to fly By the time the sun went down the couple … over the Pacific Ocean for five hours. - By the time the sun went down the couple … more than 500 km over the Pacific Ocean.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1we have known each other for a long time.  2 the little boy has felt/ has been feeling    bad since friday. (с feel можно использовать и  present perfect и  present perfect continuous , выбирать надо тот вариант как вас учат в школе  ) 3 his parents have been living in n y since they got married. 4 she's been playing table tennis for 6 years.  5  mr m has been teaching e in r since 1999. 6  i have been dreaming of going to a since i was a child. 

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